Utilize Powerful SEO Tools - Rank Higher on Google

There is no alternative to rank any type of website without SEO. Before starting the discussion one thing is not said when you read any post read it completely and understand it well. And if you already know that no one is perfect, so if you know any new strategy, share it in the comments.

What is SEO ?

The full meaning of SEO is search engine optimization. When a visitor writes something and searches in Google search, Google reviews some things from a bunch of websites and brings the right sites to the front. Google will also look at some other things such as website content, unique and relevant information, site structure, design, etc. Website visitors increase when a website is at the top of search results. As a result, the income increases.

How Can I Rank My Website Immediately ?

SEO is done in two processes –

  •  On Page SEO - Search Friendly ie - the type of article that Google likes
  •  Off Page SEO – Using good keywords and linking or backlinking your site to other web sites.

On Page SEO

When I search on Google, thousands of information (topic or niche) or good content (content) easily come up, so if you can't keep yourself updated in today's competitive market, I think you won't be successful no matter what you do.

In the past, we used a lot of keywords in blog articles, then we used to call it on-page SEO without knowing it, because Google was not so smart then it would have worked, but now if you do the same thing, it will be called "Over keyword optimization" or " You will fall into the trap of keyword stuffing. Over keyword optimized your articles will not be shown in Google search any more time. Now understand that if you do not keep yourself updated two days ago, Google will throw you out two days later.

On page SEO Optimization work is to create “SEO Friendly Articles”. However, if you want to know what is on-page SEO from the Internet or someone, 85% will say that using targeted keywords in different places of the article is a signal to Google. Again this process used to work but now it doesn't work anymore.

How to do on-page SEO in the right way ?

SEO Friendly Articles” should be written –
Instead of using the same keyword repeatedly, we use some words or sentences related to the main keyword in the article. Many times, if you search on Google, you can see People also ask, you can take the title from here, these are all keywords.
See an example This post is related to SEO so the keywords here can be - What is SEO”, “SEO Bangla Tutorial”, “What is On Page SEO”, “How to do SEO”, “Search Engine Optimization”, “SEO Tips”, “ Bangla SEO Course” and thus many more different keywords can be used. If you don't understand, the comment box is open for you. Please comment. You can give your post title in the comment. I will give the keyword in the reply of the comment.

In this way, in the articles written on your blog, if you use some "related keywords" associated with the "focused keyword", the Google search engine will understand the subject or topic of your written article very easily.

Improve Website Loading Speed

Many of those who have been working for a long time will hear what is Website Loading Speed? You can't tell if you see it. Suppose you did some Google searches and clicked on a link from the search results and saw that it was taking a long time to load or open? You will cut out quickly without waiting and you will spend a lot of time. Similarly if your website is slow loading like this then others will cut out. "Page Loading Speed" is considered as a very important and important part of On Page SEO.

How to check the page load speed ?

Google never likes slow websites. Assuming your content or article is shown on the first page of Google search results, but your website takes a long time to load, 80% of visitors will get bored and leave your website. If this is the case, website ranking is impossible.

How to speed up the website page loading speed ?

You don't have to do much to increase your website speed, but you need to know and understand some small things in the beginning.

Before uploading images to the blog article, you can compress each image. Try to keep the image size to 50kb or less. Convert to webP format if necessary - https://webp-converter.com

Use a good theme when creating a website with Blogger. In this case, you can try using jetthem. Better not to use a theme that has encrypted code, if possible buy a theme and use it for free. Get our customized jetthem full version (conditions apply). Don't use too much javascript code and also add enough ads/advertisements.

If you make a website with Wordpress, you should buy domain-hosting from a good service provider, if possible, get it from an international service provider like Hostinger, Namecheap, etc. If you don't have master card you can get service from us (conditions apply). You can also use good themes like “wpastra”, “generatepress” or “genesis framework” themes. They are recognized as the fastest and best WordPress themes.

Also, to keep the website fast, use any plugin such as “WP Fastest Cache”, “WP Rocket”, “WP Super Cache”, “W3 Total Cache” or “WP-Optimize”. I used WP-Optimize which is pretty good, you can use one at your convenience.

Use Internal Link

You must have seen some links while coming to this post. Thus, while writing articles on your blog, the process of providing links to other articles related to the topic or keywords of your article is called "internal linking of articles". And these types of links in blog articles are called "internal links".

One thing you need to remember is that any visitor to your site spends a lot of time on your blog“Bounce Rate” autometic reduce.

Regularly Write And Post Articles

If there is no continuity of work, the ranking of the site will be lost. Today he made one post and after two months he made 10 posts. It will not happen like this. Work regularly.

Google likes blogs that publish high quality articles on a regular basis. So, try to publish at least 3 good articles per week on your blog.

The purpose of on page seo is one, to optimize your blog articles for Google or other search engines. And as a result, there is a possibility of getting more traffic or visitors from Google search engine. So, if you are a blogger, then you must meditate on this matter. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to get traffic from Google.

Readable Actual Content

Remember, if you give a catchy title to attract visitors but do not provide any information in the post, then the visitor will return to the blog in just a few seconds. As a result, High Bounce Rate will affect your blog and it is bad for SEO. So, write your blog content in a simple and easy way so that it is easy to read.

Write the article in small paragraphs. In this, visitors will be very comfortable to read one and a half texts. Give complete information related to the work and topic in your articles. The more time your visitors read your article, the higher the bounce rate will decrease and the ranking of your article in the Google search engine will continue to improve. So, always write blog articles in this way so that the visitors or readers get a lot of pleasure from reading your content and they do not have any difficulty in reading your writings.

Images SEO

Google itself does not understand about the images that we upload in the blog or in the blog article. So, we can use “alt tag” to tell Google about the images used in our article. This makes it easy for Google and other search engines to understand what the image is about and thus increases the chance of getting traffic from Google image search. In terms of on-page SEO optimization, the use of alt tags in images is very important. And, we can better SEO optimize the content by using our targeted focused keywords instead of these image alt tags/text.

No one will tell you that Image SEO is a more accurate way. Rename the image name and give a name corresponding to the image. Assuming you put an image in the post, it is related to the best mobile apps, then you can rename the image and write - most+use+apps+for+smart+phone.jpg

Now let's ask you a question, two images related to the best mobile apps, one in the name of the image - dcm445511.jpg and another one most+use+apps+for+smart+phone.jpg Now you tell me which one Google will show.

Targeting Content

Use of targeted focused keyword in the article I have said that it is very bad to use the targeted keyword (focused keyword) again and again in the article. However, it is very beneficial to use targeted keywords naturally in certain places of the article. The title should be used first in the article. Then, use the keyword in the Permalink url of the article. Now, in the first paragraph of the article you should write your target keyword or phrase one to two times. And after that, it is important to use targeted keywords once or twice in the H2, H3 and H4 TAGs used in the article. Thus, by using focused keywords in certain places of your article, you can easily explain your content to the Google search engine. And as a result, your content will be much better optimized for search engines.

Off page optimization

Off Page SEO

Off page optimization is no different, we who create websites aim to deliver the created website to the common visitors. Off Page SEO is basically optimization of the website as a whole. Before going into the complete discussion about off page seo let me say a little -

What is the difference between on page seo and off page seo ?

The answer is in the question. On Page SEO means within the page i.e. if you give something written somewhere inside the article or website or if you give pictures and video content, it should be posted according to SEO rules. On the other hand, Off Page SEO is to optimize outside the web page. It may be in web template or theme, search console, marketing, sharing post on social media etc.

If you understand, if you have any problem, comment in the comment box. I will try to explain everything simply. Now let's see what is done for Off Page SEO -

Optimize With Google

Google Webmaster

  • https://search.google.com/search-console Join here following the correct rules. Many people do this kind of sensitive work wrongly or wrongly. Remember that since Google is so organized to rank in search, don't include your website in any wrong process in Google search console. Find out how to do it on this website.

Google Analytics

Google tagmanager

  • https://tagmanager.google.com Basically they are all associated with each other. You will also find how to do this on this website. To show how to do each of these, a whole post should be created and shown, so it is not possible to give it here.

Link Building:

  • Guest Blogging: Based on the post of your website, guest post on some other site and finally give the link of your website, clicking on the link will return to your website.
  • Broken Link Building: You will notice that if you visit some links, 404 Error or Post not found or nothing is shown. Basically there was a post on that link but it has been deleted so it looks like this. These are known as broken links and they bring down the SEO ranking. So if you have such a link on your website, you can redirect it with a related post. At the very end of this post is how to fix broken links !
  • Resource Link Building: If you want to show any additional information even if it is your own article, please provide a link to another website.

Social Media Engagement:

  • Share your post through your Active Profiles on Major Platforms such as (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram) on these social media. But keep in mind that if you share too much with the same user ID, your website may get blocked.
  • For this reason, Inspire others people to share your content / post with others.
  • Asking for comments on your posts also helps in website ranking.

Influencer Outreach:

  • Any popular YouTuber or your own YouTube can share there. But in this case your privacy will be lost.

Social Bookmarking:

  • Internationally famous Social Bookmarking Sites such as Reddit, Digg, and StumbleUpon. etc. There are many such sites if you search on Google, you will find them on all these sites, bookmark your website posts regularly.

Local SEO:

  • Create account under your website name and add your website (Google My Business, Yelp, Yellow Pages). Attach these to all local listings and directories. It will help your business to exist.

Content Marketing:

  • Fair and lovely cream, lux soap are already sold, so why are they advertised? It doesn't matter how popular you are, one day you will stop working and everyone will start forgetting you. So the content should be good and should be promoted regularly.

Forum and Blog Engagement:

  • Participate in forums and blogs related to your industry.
  • Contribute valuable insights and include links to your site when relevant (avoid spammy practices).
Q&A Sites:
  • Provide helpful answers on sites like Quora or Yahoo Answers.
  • Include a link to relevant content on your site if it provides additional value.
Measure and Analyze:
  • Use tools like Google Analytics to track referral traffic from off-page activities.
  • Monitor changes in search rankings and adjust your strategy based on performance.

How to fix broken link ?

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