Black Fungal Injection Price, Efficacy, Side Effects, availability, shortage reason

Black Fungal Injection

Currently, there is a severe shortage of liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole in the market for Black Fungal Infection, which is spreading in the country. The Indian government is taking effective steps to deal with its shortage. The government has issued necessary orders to supply liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injections and accelerate its production. Both of the above injections used as Black Fungal Injection are expensive in the country and are available in small quantities.

Today, the government has made the price of these injections public so that the black marketing of Black Fungus Injection can be stopped in the country. If a person is selling liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injections for more than the fixed price, you can report it to your nearest health officer. It is expected that after fixing the price of these injections, the general public will not buy it at a higher price, which will put a stop to the black marketers.


Black Fungal Injection Effects

Liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injection is considered to be quite good in the treatment of Black Fungal Infection. There is a considerable improvement in the condition of patients after the application of Black Fungal Injection. Doctors agree about its effects, so almost no side effects have been seen after this black fungal injection. Up to 90% improvement in the condition of patients is being seen by the use of this injection.

Black Fungus – Fungal Infection Symptoms, Cause, Treatment, Precaution

The number of black fungal patients among the hospitalized patients is increasing steadily. According to doctors, if the patient is given timely liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injection, then Black Fungal Injection has good effects. At present, the government has fixed the price of this injection for all the states in the country. The price of this injection has been fixed at Rs 1200 per injection. Stocks of these will be made available in all hospitals of the country soon.


Black Fungal Injection Shortage Reason

The country is currently undergoing Black Fungal Injection Shortage. There can be many reasons behind its being out of stock. The main reason for its shortage in the country may be the aftermath of black marketing due to its low production and high prices. If the government believes, Black Fungus Injection Shortage will be abolished soon. Orders have been given to the producing companies to increase their production by 100%.

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Black Fungal Injection Price

Today, the Government of India has fixed the price of Black Fungal Injection which is continuously increasing in the country. So that no one has to pay more than its real value. While deciding the price of Black Fungus Injection at Rs. 1200 per injection, the Government of India has also warned people who are selling it. The government has stated in unambiguous terms that legal action will be taken against any citizen who is found selling either of these injections at more than the price of Black Fungal Injection or stock exceeding the stock limit.


The Indian government has fixed the Filahal Black Fungal Injection Price at Rs 1200 per injection. At present, the government talked about their availability and said that soon its deficiency will be bridged. Dr. Veluri Gayatri, Professor of Microbiology, NRI Institute of Medical Sciences, has asked patients recovering from Corona and patients suffering from diabetes to take more care of themselves. Liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injections have been shown to be best for the treatment of COVID-19 associated mucormycosis. According to doctors, the wrong use of this injection increases the risk of getting diagnosed, so use it under the supervision of doctors.

Black Fungal Injection Availability

Following a government order, its production has been increased by 100% by a company producing liposomal amphotericin B or posaconazole injections. It is expected that soon this injection will be made available in every hospital in the country. If you need this injection, you can find out about it by going to a government hospital near you. You can get information about Black Fungus Injection Availability through the government-launched website.

Currently, both these injections in the country have been declared out of stock by many hospitals. The government is keeping an eye on its production. News of its availability will be released soon. State governments in the country are collecting information about black fungal patients in their own state so that injections can be made available by the central government on time.


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